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  • Category: Church

    Mistakes Churches Make When Hiring

    Hiring decisions are crucial for your church. Not only are church employees responsible for your congregants’ experience, but they are also making vital decisions on behalf of the church. If your church makes a mistake, it could cost money in terms of potential liability and wasted resources. Here are mistakes that churches make when hiring […]

    How Can I Ensure I Build a Strong Board of Directors?

    Oversight is critical for any nonprofit organization, and churches are no different. While church employees carry out their responsibilities and provide spiritual guidance for the congregants, each church needs a qualified board to set the direction and make significant decisions. Selecting people for the board and outlining their responsibilities requires great foresight. A strong, pragmatic, […]

    Why Is Liability Protection Important for Churches?

    Churches can be sued just like any other legal entity. It may take one large claim against the church to drain all the assets and potentially force your institution into bankruptcy. Many things can go wrong that could injure a worshipper and give rise to a lawsuit. Churches can protect themselves through liability insurance covering […]

    How to Protect the Legal Assets of My Church

    Church leaders in Virginia need to be aware of the legal protections available to them and their organizations. By taking proactive steps to protect your church’s assets, you can safeguard your congregation’s livelihood in the event of a legal dispute. This article will discuss some key measures that you can take to protect your church’s […]

    What Should Churches Do to Avoid Discriminatory Hiring Practices?

    Churches are places of worship where people come together to find spiritual guidance, pass along religious traditions to younger generations and find comfort with a higher power. At the same time, churches are still organizations that employ a staff of individuals, from the church’s minister and youth pastors to music directors, and administrative and maintenance […]

    What Legal Concerns Should Churches Be Aware of?

    A house of worship enjoys many legal benefits that enable it to continue providing church members with regular religious and community outreach services. They often are exempt from paying a variety of taxes and benefit from constitutional protections. Those protections are not absolute, and many churches wind up litigating many legal issues. From civil disputes […]