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  • Month: July 2022

    How Effective Are My Car’s Safety Features?

    Most vehicles are equipped with basic safety features like airbags, antilock brakes, and three-point seatbelts which are shown to reduce accidents and injuries. Recent developments in vehicle safety have also led to more advanced driver-assist technologies designed to prevent crashes before they occur, but are they really making our cars, trucks, and SUVs safer? The […]

    What Legal Concerns Should Churches Be Aware of?

    A house of worship enjoys many legal benefits that enable it to continue providing church members with regular religious and community outreach services. They often are exempt from paying a variety of taxes and benefit from constitutional protections. Those protections are not absolute, and many churches wind up litigating many legal issues. From civil disputes […]

    Anchor Legal Group Announces Steve Lentz’s New Book, It Was Never About the Ketchup!: The Leadership Legacy of H.J. Heinz.

    Anchor Legal Group, PLLC, is proud to announce the publication of firm partner Stephen D. Lentz’s new book, It Was Never About the Ketchup!: The Leadership Legacy of H.J. Heinz. In the new book, Steve explores the idea that each of us is created with the potential to make this world a better place because […]